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Fiscal responsibility and streamlined services highlight the Governor's proposal for Illinois Department of Human Services

Press Release - Wednesday, February 18, 2004

SPRINGFIELD - Governor Rod R. Blagojevich provides a much-needed boost for an array of community-based human service programs in his Fiscal Year 2005 budget proposal for the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), including Maximizing Accountability and Excellence (MAX).  MAX is the pilot initiative of IDHS, intended to increase the number of contracts awarded on a competitive basis, increase the use of fee for service, and introduce the use of performance-based contracts.  The new MAX initiative is also aimed at increasing federal funding and making service providers more accountable. 
Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today proposed a $5.2 billion FY 05 budget for the Illinois Department of Human Services, a $108 million increase over FY 04. 
An accelerated conversion to fee for service contracting is the cornerstone of the IDHS FY 05 budget.  The additional federal funds realized through this strategy and other operational changes will enable the department to avoid some of the budget cuts anticipated at the start of this year's budget negotiations. 
"We are aggressively pursuing new ideas that will meet the Governor's goals of reforming state government, generating new revenue and saving money," said IDHS Secretary Carol L. Adams, Ph.D.  "We're consolidating duplicative services and processes, increasing accountability, using technology to modernize our delivery system and creating innovative ways to reach out to our clients."  
The FY05 budget plan includes the transfer of $97 million to IDHS from the Illinois State Board of Education. The funding is for Early Intervention services, Regional Safe Schools and Truants Alternative and Optional Education program.
The Governor's request includes $1 billion in funding for community services for persons with developmental disabilities, a $76 million increase over FY04.  The department will also receive
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an additional $30 million for developmental disabilities to fully fund services and restore and
maintain provider payment cycles.
Under the Governor's proposal, the Home Services Program will increase by $47.5 million, to fund a wage increase for personal assistants who care for persons with disabilities and provide services in the home for an additional 200 new clients per month. 
The budget includes $267 million for substance abuse treatment and prevention, a $5 million increase over FY04. 
 "The department is maximizing the use of tax dollars by reducing administrative costs while providing more efficient and cost-effective government," Adams said. "In addition to fiscal responsibility and streamlining the department, we're also partnering with other agencies, organizations, stakeholders and communities to maximize accountability and enhance our services to the people of Illinois."           
Other FY05 budget highlights include:
  • $4 million for Redeploy Illinois
  • $3 million to expand services for refugees
  • $1.7 million to fund growth in the Sexually Violent Persons program at Joliet

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