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Governor announces over $127,000 for Central Illinois water and sewer projects

Press Release - Friday, February 06, 2004

CHICAGO - Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today authorized over $127,000 in grants for five projects in Berlin, Petersburg, Rockbridge, Sawyerville and White Hall.  The projects are for various water and sewer improvements.
"The people of Illinois have the right to expect their state and local governments to provide the necessary resources for projects that are important to their health and quality of life, such as safe and reliable sources of water and dependable sewer systems," said Governor Blagojevich. 
The projects being funded include a grant for $50,000 to the Village of Sawyerville to renovate the village water system.  The current system is unable to meet Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) quality standards due to a low chlorine content.  The grant is being used to offset the cost of a Myox feed station to treat the water.
A list of the projects is attached:

Location/Project Description                                                     Amount

Current Legislative Sponsor


Village of Berlin                                                                                    $ 17,358.25
Construction of a water distribution system                                      ($175,000 balance remains
State Representative Rich Brauer                                                      on a grant of $400,000)
City of Petersburg                                                                                $ 23,000
Repair old sewer lines                                                                               ($83,685 balance remains
State Representative Rich Brauer                                                      on a grant of $234,000)
Village of Rockbridge                                                                              $ 12,500
Water supply line extension                                                                (balance on a $25,000 grant)
State Representative Jim Watson

Village of Sawyerville                                                                   $ 50,000

Repair of water lines                                                                             (total grant amount)

State Representative Gary Hannig


City of White Hall                                                                              $ 25,000

Expansion of volume and pressure of water lines                                (balance on a $50,000 grant)

State Representative Jim Watson


TOTAL                                                                                                $127,858.25  

Press Releases

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